Accommodation is one of the prime need in human life. When we think about accommodation we think about best location, best feasibilities, most beautiful view and most reasonable price. We the ROYAL HOUSING LTD. are very much aware about these facts. That is why we have arranged your accommodation in the DHAKA city where you will find your dream house ROYAL Elija Garden. 40% land are open to sky, all apartments are direct sunlight and air. ROYAL HOUSING LTD. has highly eligible as well as experienced professionals who will help you to make your dream come true.
Projects Address: 38/6/A Mayakanon, Bashaboo, Dhaka.
Land Area: 51 Katha
Number of Building: 04 Nos
Parking: Ground floor
Number of Apartment: 159 Nos.
Number of Parking: 103 Nos.
Number of Storied: 10 Storied
1040sft. -1400sft.